Nathaniel Spain

Writer and designer in Tyne & Wear, UK

Nathaniel Spain is a writer, artist, and designer, based in Tyne and Wear. He has lived in the North of England for the past decade. He studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University, completed an MAR in English Studies at Durham University in 2017, and has a CertHE in Design and Innovation. He has worked for Inpress and the Poetry Book Society, and is currently working on an environmental project in the charity sector.

In September 2023, Nathaniel’s co-authored pamphlet, Unfurl, was published by The Braag. This followed his self-published zine of speculative fiction, Fragments (2021).

Nathaniel’s short stories have appeared in Carmina Magazine, Gastropoda, Carmen et Error, Provenance Journal and The Fiction Pool. He was the guest editor for Carmen et Error’s 5th issue, and a first reader for Hexagon magazine in 2023. He was a juror for the 2023 British Fantasy Awards. Nathaniel also designs tabletop games under the Stoneshore imprint.